No, I didn't head off to
Emily Dickinson College to pick up dates. But I did conduct a brief research trip (two days) in a city about 3 hours away. It was a good trip. The archives on day one were somewhat helpful (albeit FREEZING! as per usual.) Got some good material for Chapter 6, which is a disaster right now.
I finished early at the archives on Tuesday night, so I did a little shopping, ate a little dinner, and then found myself a nice cheap motel for the night. Two historic happenings: 1) it was my first night away from the Wild Boy. It only took 17 months for me to take a night off. And it was wonderful. 2) it was my first time watching
Sex and the City. Meh. It was nice, but I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it.
The next morning, I went to the county courthouse, where I had to first be interviewed by the County Clerk, before he would let me do research. The interview consisted of about 30 seconds of me explaining my project and 15 minutes of him talking about his decision to run for public office, his campaign platform (should I mention I'm not a voter in his county?), his community outreach programs, his responsibilities, and the fact that his staff never shows up on time despite their responsibility to the good people of the county to maintain proper hours to conduct county business. Um, ok. Actually, I didn't mind, since one of the staffers who was late was the woman who had my docket books. So even after Mr. County Clerk finished his spiel, I couldn't get right to work. I twiddled my thumbs until Staff Woman showed up, 40 minutes late.
At 8:45, I had my docket books and was sequestered in a conference room happily sorting through the criminal proceedings during World War I. Yay! I should share some things I learned.
Things you could be arrested for in 1917 and 1918:
- "Offering a bribe to a voter" (dozens of these on election day, interspersed with "keeping a saloon open on election day") -- ok, these ones make sense
- "Rudely displaying a pistol"
- "Starting automobile of another"
- "Sending anonymous letter" ???
- "Shifting gears" ???? (I'm guessing auto-related criminal charges were still being worked out)
- "Molesting auto" (ditto. Is this comparable to grand theft auto, or auto-erotica?)
And, of course, "Alluring a female" which was duly noted in my research.
Labels: history, sex edumacation, travels