DQ: Proud Woman of Color?
Her latest obsession is Mulan.

She's never even seen the movie Mulan, although she wants to desperately. We did get a book about the legend of Mulan -- in Vietnamese and English translations -- at the library and she's been poring over that.
I'm a little intrigued. Why this sudden interest in a new wave of princesses? Spouse and I chatted about it, and wonder if she is finding some link to these three as women of color. She's also tended to be drawn to the non-white students in her pre-school class (among the girls but not really among the boys). And we have worked very hard to talk about different places, different cultures, different languages, etc.
This is an experience that I can't really share with her as she experiences American society as a minority. Well, maybe. Will she even be thought of as a minority? Will she think of herself as Asian? Mixed? Nothing? I want her to have and to celebrate both of her cultures. But what will she want?
Labels: race and culture, young whippersnappers