Thursday, January 03, 2008

Dead, Doing Porn, or Finding Jesus?

Remember last year, when I blogged about the VH1 special about the top 100 songs of the 1980s? Well, I recently DVRed the 1990s version, and thought I'd share my reactions. It proved to be a spark to a wealth of interesting comments last time. Let's see what happens here.

Spouse and I have been skimming through the countdown. Like the 80s version, this countdown tells us what the people are doing now. I noted -- prematurely -- that nobody was dead yet. Then came Biggie, Tupac, and that guy from... oh, hell, one of those grunge bands (no, not Cobain. That comes later). So much for that theory.

Instead, I notice a trend of people who have found Jesus (including Gerardo, of "Rico Suave" fame! Dios mio!) and people who dabble in porn. I freakin' love that the guy from the Presidents of the United States of America does instrumental music for porn films. What a great job that must be!

Random Comments:
  • Damn, I really loved Sophie B. Hawkins, until she compared Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" to Mozart. Sophie. It's over. I no longer wish I was your lover.
  • Spouse continually argued that each song from 1990 or 1991 (and a few from 1992) were actually 80s songs. Turns out, anything that came out while he was in high school he considers 80s, even though the majority of his high school years actually fall in the 90s.
  • Oasis, "Wonderwall." I can't tell you how much I detest this song.
  • En Vogue. I can't tell you how awesome they are.
  • Alanis, Pearl Jam, Sinead. Yep, these are all good choices.
  • I have a sneaking suspicion Britney's gonna be in the top ten. Ew. Yep, there she is at #7. Although good commentary ("I feel dirty.")
  • Madonna's "Vogue" at #5? Should probably be #1.
  • Back Street Boys at #3? You're kidding me. I prefer Weird Al's version.
  • U2's "One" is #2? I'll buy that. Although I think it should be #1.
    Oh, crap, I just figured out what number one is. I tell Spouse, "It's gonna be Nirvana." Spouse responds, "Why? Why? Why would that be number 1?" "Because he's the fucking voice of our fucking generation." Seriously, folks, while the song is good, the only great legacy about Cobain in my mind is when Julie dressed as him.



Blogger Jade said...

My personal theme song is in the top ten :) Gotta love that (R.E.M.'s Losing my Religion)

Nirvana is likely #1 for the 90's because it was made to be such a big deal with "pop" radio suddenly went grunge seemingly overnight. Did they talk about that in the special? I remember watching some retrospective about music in the 90's some years ago, and they discussed how it seemed like overnight success because Michael Jackson was at the top of the charts in December, then Nirvana stomped him into the ground in January. The assumption of this show was that parents bought the former for their children for Christmas, and they kids all went out and returned that for the latter in January.
Grunge became the definition for our generation, and who better to represent that than Nirvana?

12:09 PM  
Blogger K-Lyn said...

I made a comment about Smells Like Teen Spirit to someone, can't remember who now, that I knew what it would be #1 when they got around to doing a 90s version when we were watching the 80s one. And I was right. But ONE had to be #2.

Basically I was ok with the list. I mean, I would have shuffled things around a bit but nothing made me rip up my hair and jump up and down.

I, too, am no longer speaking to Sophie.

I understand where Spouse is. I'm there to. 1990 was just so last decade. Those songs weren't 90s enough. It wasn't until Nirvana and Pearl Jam that the switch was flipped.

You *HATE* Wonderwall?!?!?! How can you hate The Colonel, I mean Wonderwall??? Just when I think I know you. Wow. I can not tell you how many kinds of awesome that song is to me.

And to turn the tables: En Vogue...I say "meh."

I really liked seeing Clinton explaining that My Heart Will Go On Made him cry in a diner.

11:07 PM  
Blogger ~N said...

I was gonna comment that there are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know howwww. But, K-lyn really nailed it; that was Exactly my reaction (less the clever colonel quote). :)

Guess you can start calling us a buncha Charlotte-loving, Wonderwall-worshipping weirdos now(but we'll know how cool we are;).

:) ;)

8:03 AM  
Blogger Courtney said...

So I guess "Wonderwall" is like Carbon Leaf -- everybody who likes what I like likes it except me.

Jade, I see your point about the Michael Jackson-Nirvana shift. As Spouse says, "Everybody in the 1990s was all of a sudden depressed and bitter."

8:56 AM  
Blogger Courtney said...

Well, everyone but Hootie.

8:56 AM  
Blogger Jade said...

Quinn - if it makes you feel any better, I like Oasis but can take or leave "Wonderwall"

And add Spin Doctors to the non-depressed crowd. They look so darned happy in their videos!

11:46 PM  
Blogger Julie said...

Quinn, you mean this costume?

As far as the grungy dead dude, was it Lane Staley from Alice in Chains whose body was found in his apartment a week after he OD'd, three blocks from where I was living at the time?

10:41 PM  

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