Saturday, May 19, 2007


The to-do lists of the dissertation days are done, at least for the time being. I'm wrapping up the class of awesomeness, getting set for a summer of unemployment, and thinking in the long term about the fall. I'll be teaching three classes, two of which I've never taught before and that are outside of my specialty. (Elle, what are we thinking?)

So, a partial list of projects:

1. Book orders. These are due soon. In the meantime, to do my book orders involves actually going to campus and getting set up in the system (and getting a college email address). It has given me the excuse to read some really fascinating stuff lately, both online and in books.

2. Syllabi. The first one is easy. In fact, it's mostly done. The next two are challenging, to say the least.

3. Lectures. Ideally, I'd like to get a head start this summer on my lectures, so that I'm not resorting to prepping lectures the day before (or, shudder, the day of) class. I don't want to play the "keep one chapter ahead of the students" game. That's a game that a woman with two small kids making an hour-long commute cannot win in the long run.

4. Crochet!!!! I'm currently working on a "gingham" pattern. I'm not sure if it really look gingham-y, but it's kind of cool.

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Blogger Neel Mehta said...

I don't want to play the "keep one chapter ahead of the students" game. That's a game that a woman with two small kids making an hour-long commute cannot win in the long run.

Another reason? There's always some kiss-ass student who has a question about a chapter you haven't covered yet. And maybe "Shut up, nerd!" isn't the best way to answer it.

2:44 PM  
Blogger elle said...

we are crazy and deranged...

...and arrogant-cuz we know we can do it

9:12 PM  
Blogger K-Lyn said...

"Shut up, nerd!"

You heard that a lot didn't you, Neel?

10:03 PM  
Blogger Neel Mehta said...

Well, not from the teacher.

I imagine hearing that from a teacher would be embarrassing, but not as much as the famous "You're missing important information!"

Tell 'em, Quinn.

11:28 PM  
Blogger Jade said...

If a kick-ass student does move chapters ahead, you could say "I'd rather you didn't go all Hermione in my class." It's slightly better than "Shut up" and not quite an insult (depending on your opinion of Hermione, of course)

12:29 AM  
Blogger Scrivener said...

I'm impressed that you can even consider prepping lectures ahead of time. I can't manage to prepare a lecture anymore than about an hour in advance. Usually I'm deciding what to say as I'm saying it in class.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Courtney said...

Scriv, I've been known to wing it with my Victorian sexuality class, since most of my material is being pulled out of the front of my brain. But if I'm lecturing on, say, Ancient Greece, that stuff just isn't in there.

Jade, I like the "going all Hermione" concept. 'Specially since I was a total Hermione. (Aw, who am I kidding? I'm still a Hermione!)

7:02 PM  

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